
November 09, 2020 2 min read

Are you thinking about a camping trip? If you are a pro or even if it is your first time camping, you can plan ahead to ensure it is a successful trip.
A few simple things can make your trip much safer and more enjoyable.

Practice at home
Set up your tent before leaving on your trip. This will not only familiarize you with the process, but it will also allow you to ensure there are no missing pieces or problems. This can help with the aggravation when setting up your tent. Make a list of the items you need, and double-check it before you leave home.
Let there be Light
Today people are so used to having a flashlight on their phone it's hard to not have light. You may think this is enough for a campsite. It won't! Anyway, you don't want to have that phone "temptation" when you are trying to get in family or friend time.
Bring at least 2 different sources of light including a flashlight and maybe a simple camp lamp that sheds light in a wider area. With LED lights these days it's easy to bring more than one light. We suggest bringing one light per individual on the trip. Kids always enjoy having their own light they can keep close. It's a simple thing that can be a big lifesaver when the sun goes down.
First Aid
If you are on a simple trip or headed into the deep woods, a first aid kit or survival kit is always a good idea for camping. Be sure you have waterproof matches, a first aid kit with a variety of bandages, neosporin, a whistle, and some pain reliever like Ibuprofen or Aspirin. If you were to get lost or were put in an emergency situation, the survival kit will be of great help.
Bandana or cloth
Take a bandanna or rag with you when you go camping. This single fabric piece can be used as a carrying bag, hand towel, paper towel, potholder, and blotter. You can use them to pick up hot pans or to clean up a tiny spill.
Overall you can often be tempted into taking too much when you go camping. You will never regret taking lights, first aid kits and a bandana or hand towel. These are simple items that can make a camping trip much more comfortable. 

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